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Fabulous Fashionista

Happy Wednesday!

I have been overwhelmed by all of the lovely responses from this little card and was asked to do a blog post for what i used so here you go.... (thank you for all the love and support it amazes me every day!!)

The card is a 8"x8" pre scored white cardblank from Craft UK bought online - you can get them for Hobbycraft but as a thrifty crafter i like to shop about for the best deals

The topper and backing papers are from the New Fabulous Fashionista Mini Cardmaking Kit which is available here

The matt black card is from the works

The glitter black card is from the Range

The polka dot black ribbon is from Boyes

The hot pink ribbon is also from Boyes

The black plain ribbon is from the range

The ivy leaves are from one of my digital foliage sets which can be found here

I was test cutting and using some of my new Print, cut and form leaves on this one so spoiler alert.. these will be coming up really soon so please do keep popping back.

Here is a look at the kit printed out - i printed the sheets onto 160gsm super smooth printing paper

Prepping my cardblank:

The top flower die is one of my old favourites from my flower die stash.

The one below i bought second-hand off ebay it was used and didn't come with any packaging so i don't know he brand. If anyone knows please let me know as i often get asked.

I've ran out of black sisal so i have been using scrunched up strands of black silk thread

I've also been using lots of these beaded strands - you can get these online. Me are from Hobby Lobby but you can buy them from most Wedding supplies stores or larger craft shops

Black liquid pearls were used for little drops in the corners of the card

The little heart embellishment was a button i bought - i removed the ring off the back using a pair of pliers.

I used black micro beads for the centres of the flowers.

If you would like to see more you can find our blog, kits and all of our social media links on the website -

Thank you so much for looking, happy crafting!!

A xo